Does Your Life Suck?

So now that we are in the swing 'o things with school, we just need to ask the world one thing... Does your life suck? No seriously, do really think it's as bad as ours? If it were up to us, we would be getting paid to sleep. Just let us know! You don't even need to be a blogger! You could be a rabid skunk for all we care!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Snake in the Water!!!

Ok we are headed to the pool today but we are SO SCARED because we thought we saw a really big snake in the water but we are not sure if its just a hose. If its a hose then its a very dangerous one. For all we know it could be venomous... are you afraid of pool snakes? Cause we are!!! 

Now moving on to a happier topic... we tried to contact our old 5th grade english teacher. We left him a post on his blog... twice... by mistake. We forgot how it worked ok? Please don't judge us!!!! Anyway we found out that he is traveling in Australia!!!! So after quitting your teaching job you suddenly get to travel the world? No fair!!!! We are stuck in school so we can't. We are still waiting for his response though. 


  1. It looks ok I guess. These people are kinda weird though. But they are SUPER funny.

  2. Your 5th grade teacher sounds like an awesome guy!! I hope you girls have fun in 7th grade. Tell your classmates I say hello.

    By the way - it's Mr. C.

    ps - cool blog!
    pss - Australia was the best place ever!
