Does Your Life Suck?

So now that we are in the swing 'o things with school, we just need to ask the world one thing... Does your life suck? No seriously, do really think it's as bad as ours? If it were up to us, we would be getting paid to sleep. Just let us know! You don't even need to be a blogger! You could be a rabid skunk for all we care!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

You Shouldn't Be Afraid of the Hose!

Ok, so while we were at the pool, we realized that our venomous snake was really just a hose. It's ok though. We are still alive!!!! And we also feel really stupid but thats ok!!!!!! We'd rather play with a hose/snake then to be in school:(


  1. You guys are really odd... But the snake thing was hilarious! Go Ms. Whatsittoya!

  2. Oh, I get it. I thought it was a snake, not a hose. That is funny!
