Does Your Life Suck?

So now that we are in the swing 'o things with school, we just need to ask the world one thing... Does your life suck? No seriously, do really think it's as bad as ours? If it were up to us, we would be getting paid to sleep. Just let us know! You don't even need to be a blogger! You could be a rabid skunk for all we care!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Are you a gleek? If your not then you're dead to us. Watch glee tonight!!!!!! It's for your own good. Now we don't want to have to call the authorities... do we? We don't want a repeat of last time, too bad we don't remember! WATCH GLEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

At School and Blogging...

So we are at school but we are blogging at the same time! So cool! We can't let the teachers see us ut now we can post stuff at school so you wierdos out there can stalk us at school and you can actually believe what we say afterwords!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What's Up

So we are sorry that we haven't really made a bunch of posts. Well, we have had lives outside of this blog you know! We don't just sit in front of the computer and look at our comments! And it would be nice if you guys out there leave some comments! Let us know you are reading!!!!! So to sum up our current lives, school still sucks, our every night we have homework up to our eyelids, and we are never going to get enough sleep!!!!!!!!!!!! So in case you haven't noticed, we wish summer was still going on. Or that it will come soon and save us from our sorry lives. And that a wombat will someday learn how to sing show tunes. Wouldn't that be SO awesome???!!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

We Are the Bestest Dancers Ever!!!

So our first dance was tonight!!!! Best night ever!!!! But we are so wiped out! Who knew that singing at the top of or lungs and jumping up an down at the same time was so hard and wiped you out so quickly!? Don't get us wrong, it was amazing! But we are SO thankful that they were selling water for a dollar there! 

Friday, September 10, 2010

First Week is Over!!!!!!!!!

Thank the beaver in the sky watching over us because we made it through the first week of school!!!!!!!! Our classes were awful, our schedules are worse! But the only thing thats worse is that we have to walk all the way home by ourselves in this heat wave!!!!!!!! We are just so tired and we are expected to walk a half a mile away AND carry fifty pounds of books in our backpack????????? Let us just say that school is the worst thing that the human race has ever come up with.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We Are Back and More Sick of School Than Ever!!!

Ok, first things first sorry we disappeared off the face of the Earth for a couple of days. We have lives too you know!!! So anyway, school started for us today. It truly sucked. Let us be the first to tell you that we hate school, our teachers, and of course, the HOMEWORK! We got so many assignments for the first day!!! What do we look like? Nerds? They can't possibly expect us to hate school and do tons of homework AT THE SAME TIME!!!!! So all of you people that agree with us out there, let us know and then drink a RedBull.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

To the Beach!

So we are headed to the beach today and hope that we aren't killed by the mysterious and venomous creatures of the ocean. Like baby jellyfish. Or sea pandas.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Why Bowling is Dangerous!

So our brothers are going bowling today with a bunch of friends from football. And we chose not to go because 1) We don't want to be swallowed into a pit of boy stupidity 2) From recent events, we don't want THE INCIDENT to happen again. So we were at the bowling ally and one of us was up. So she had the ball and in the backswing, she kind of let got of the ball and nearly took one of our friends heads off! We were then asked to leave. So really we can't go because we are banned from that bowling ally. To bad we never finished our game!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Evil Sisters

Ok, so one of our sisters birthdays is today. That's bad. That means that she will be even more annoying and spoiled and come up with more excuses then before! Never have we ever seen so much evil in one now seven year old! We even sister-proofed our rooms!!!! There's no escaping the brat-zilla!!! Our last word? RUN!
Happy birthday, sis. Luv ya but sometimes hate ya!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What Kind of Swim Club are they Running Over There???

Ok, so we were guests at this pool today with our moms friends. And they were giving swim tests to little kids so they could go on the big swirly slide. WE LOVE THAT SWIRLY SLIDE!!! So if the kids want to go on the slide, they have to do a lap of freestyle, one lap of backstroke, and then tread water for a minute. Seriously, some of these kids were only five years old and they were expected to do that? And to make it even worse, the dude giving the test stops you early if you don't do something right. Seriously, all of this just to go on a swirly slide? Come on! Summer is almost over and a few innocent children want to go on a swirly slide that's super fun!!! Please, if it were up to us, all you would have to do is swim a lap of doggy paddle, tread water for thirty seconds, and eat an ice cream. (to make them feel good about themselves) But what kind of people are we to judge what good swimming is, after all, we aren't that much better then those five year olds. And as an additional outrage, the snack bar wasn't serving soft-serve ice cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How are we to survive??????? And we thought we were acting dumb when we thought a long, slimy, green hose was a venomous snake. How do you normally serve soft-serve ice cream and then suddenly "run out"? IT'S CRAZY!!!!!!!!! What kind of swim club are they running over there?

And again... HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA!!!!!!!!

Stressed Over School

Some people are overjoyed that school is starting! Some think they're getting sucked into a black hole of torture and... LEARNING! Of course everyone is worried about status and popularity and all that junk. Others are obsessed over grades. And some are even moving to a new district! Which means new school, new friends, and new enemies... Or, all people would tell you that none of that matters as long as you try your best and be yourself or something like that. But we can't say that popularity is all that's important either. Because none of those points of view are right. What you people need to know is that at most schools, popularity is all in your head, like who are the losers, jocks, superstars, and teachers pets. Sure there might be some girls that pretend to know everyone, hang out with older people and have a boyfriend. But most of the time they're just insecure. That's why they remove themselves from everyone. So all you really need going into school are great friends, a good attitude, and a cheese sandwich for lunch. But, don't get us wrong, school is a bad place to be, but for all those wierdos out there that are looking forward to school this is a post to tell them to not be worried and return to reality and return to hating school. So sure, you want people to like you, because that's what true popularity is, but that doesn't mean you have to be a jerk about it. But the most important thing is... remembering your lunch on the first day so you don't have to eat our own pencil during study hall!