Does Your Life Suck?

So now that we are in the swing 'o things with school, we just need to ask the world one thing... Does your life suck? No seriously, do really think it's as bad as ours? If it were up to us, we would be getting paid to sleep. Just let us know! You don't even need to be a blogger! You could be a rabid skunk for all we care!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

We Are the Bestest Dancers Ever!!!

So our first dance was tonight!!!! Best night ever!!!! But we are so wiped out! Who knew that singing at the top of or lungs and jumping up an down at the same time was so hard and wiped you out so quickly!? Don't get us wrong, it was amazing! But we are SO thankful that they were selling water for a dollar there! 

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