Does Your Life Suck?

So now that we are in the swing 'o things with school, we just need to ask the world one thing... Does your life suck? No seriously, do really think it's as bad as ours? If it were up to us, we would be getting paid to sleep. Just let us know! You don't even need to be a blogger! You could be a rabid skunk for all we care!

Friday, September 10, 2010

First Week is Over!!!!!!!!!

Thank the beaver in the sky watching over us because we made it through the first week of school!!!!!!!! Our classes were awful, our schedules are worse! But the only thing thats worse is that we have to walk all the way home by ourselves in this heat wave!!!!!!!! We are just so tired and we are expected to walk a half a mile away AND carry fifty pounds of books in our backpack????????? Let us just say that school is the worst thing that the human race has ever come up with.

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